Confirmation Camp @ Camp Kinard (10 Commandments)

April 2, 2022 @ 9:30AM — 12:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Confirmation Camp @ Camp Kinard (10 Commandments) image

Register your group for this new program!

There are currently no tickets available for this event, but you can still make a donation.


Now is a perfect time to pray with our feet by worshipping outdoors, socially distanced, in God’s beautiful creation! Spread the word and enjoy a day at camp! This event is for children of God of all ages. Those preparing to affirm their faith either as confirmands or people new to the Lutheran faith may find it especially helpful.Anyone desiring to freshen up their understanding of the catechism or anyone who just loves walking under majestic pine trees is welcome to attend!

The Jesus Way is a gentle trail that loops around Camp Kinard. Fourteen signposts have been installed around a 1.5 mile hilly walk around camp.A booklet with reflections, questions, scripture and prayers around our topic will be provided for you. The devotionals will also be on our website for continued access after the event.

Please let us know during the registration process if anyone in your group will want the golf cart available to ride instead of walk.

This is our gift to you because we believe connecting congregations and outdoor ministry is helpful to faith formation. A donation to help support the ministry of SCLRC in order to ensure future programs like this is most appreciated.

Guests will receive a copy of the devotions, water, and snacks.

9:30am: Welcome/Introductions
10:00am: Walk the Jesus Way
11:45am: Wrap up/Evaluations