Holy City Spirits image

Holy City Spirits

October 12-15, 2022 - Hosted by Coastal Retreat (Isle of Palms, SC)

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

To register by mail, please send payment and registration info to: SCLRC, 6053 Two Notch Road, Batesburg-Leesville, SC 29070

Pegi Roberts, the South Carolina Lutheran Retreat Centers’ Coordinator of Older Adult Ministries, will serve as your tour guide on this “spirited” exploration of one of the state’s most historic cities. Participants will enjoy tours of historical Lutheran churches, tastings at local breweries/distilleries, and even a Charleston Ghost Tour.

Other programs highlights include vespers on the beach and plenty of opportunities for relaxation and spiritual renewal. We look forward to seeing you there!

Spend an extra night! (optional) - Enjoy one more day here on the beautiful Isle of Palms to explore local plantations and other area attractions! Additional night of lodging will be offered at a discounted rate (+$80/per room) - contact us for more info!