SCLRC Golf Classic Sponsorship image

SCLRC Golf Classic Sponsorship

Thank you for your support of these holy spaces where God changes lives!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

"Got to come back as a counselor this year! Forever grateful for this camp and all the tangible goodness the Lord cultivates here!"

These profound words were shared by a teenager who attended a week-long retreat hosted at Camp Kinard this summer. Over and over, we hear similar words from youth and adults alike who have profound experiences while attending events at the South Carolina Lutheran Retreat Centers.

SCLRC’s ministry of hospitality provides holy spaces for groups to strengthen and renew faith, have times of fellowship, and build lasting memories! All proceeds from the tournament will be used to help fund the daily operational costs of each retreat center while benefiting countless individuals all year long!


$2,500 - Gold Medal Sponsor* (Includes 4 teams)
$1,500 - Silver Medal Sponsor*
(Includes 3 teams)
$1,250 - Bronze Medal
Sponsor* (Includes 2 teams)
$1,000 - Meal Sponsor*
(Includes 1 team)
$750 - Beverage Sponsor*
(Includes 1 team)
$250 - Putting Green (Sign Displayed)
$150 - Hole/Range Sponsor (Sign Displayed)

* Please contact Elliott Cox at to provide team and player information.